Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)
Lateral Epicondylitis, better known as “Tennis Elbow,” is one of the most common injuries that plague people who repeatedly use the wrist and hand at work
Lateral Epicondylitis, better known as “Tennis Elbow,” is one of the most common injuries that plague people who repeatedly use the wrist and hand at work
The Winter Season is upon us and if this winter is going to be anything like last years winter… we are in for some serious shoveling!
The anatomy of the jelly donut is a great representation of what a spinal disc looks like in your neck and back.
Most Holiday weight gains start a “snowball effect,” leading to increased weight gain overtime. Here are 10 tips to stay fit and avoid weight gain.
Women who undergo a mastectomy are 6 times more likely to experience shoulder pain. Physical Therapy has proven to be an effective recovery option.
The weight of a filled backpack carried by a young student can range from 20 to 30 pounds! This is sometimes over 1/3 of the child’s body weight!