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The Best Way to Recovery from a Hamstring Injury

The hamstring plays a pivotal role in walking, jumping, running, cycling and swimming. The hamstrings are the powerhouse of your legs. They allow you to bend your knees, straighten your leg and control movement from the hip. A hamstring injury can cause a big disruption in your fitness or training regimen, leaving you on the couch for weeks if not treated right.
The Best Way To Recover From A Hamstring InjuryMore than two-thirds of runners who injure their hamstrings will re-injure their hamstring within a year. As with most injuries, recurrence results from not treating the injury properly from the onset. You need to fully heal from an injury in order to regain the flexibility and strength needed to continue your routine exercises. rehabilitation of this injury must be comprehensive.
The Best Way To Recover From A Hamstring Injury – More than two-thirds of runners who injure their hamstrings will re-injure their hamstring within a year. As with most injuries, recurrence results from not treating the injury properly from the onset. You need to fully heal from an injury in order to regain the flexibility and strength needed to continue your routine exercises. Rehabilitation of this injury must be comprehensive.
As with any injury, immediately stop exercising. To reduce inflammation and swelling start icing your hamstring right away and continue with R.I.C.E. therapy (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevate).
During the first few days, ice your hamstring with your leg straight. This will help control the swelling and gently stretch the muscle. Heat should not be applied as it may increase swelling or muscle bleeding. Use the compression bandage instead.
If you’re still hurting after a few days, use a heating pad to increase blood flow to the affected area to speed healing. Kinesiology tape (KT) may help reduce swelling by taking pressure off overused muscles and arrest the pain.
Once your pain has abated, begin stretching your joints and muscles. Gentle stretching and light resistance will help you recover properly from your hamstring injury.  
Here are two effective stretches to help stretch out your hamstring:
Hamstring Stretch


Hamstring Stretch Find a wall, pole or doorway. Lay on the floor facing up. Bring the injured leg straight up and rest it against the wall. Your healthy leg is either bent (if using a wall) or straight on the ground if using a doorway or pole. As you gain strength, you can move closer to the wall, pole or doorway.
Hamstring Stretch
Find a wall, pole or doorway.
1. Lay on the floor facing up.
2. Bring the injured leg straight up and rest it against the wall.
3. Your healthy leg is either bent (if using a wall) or straight on the ground if using a doorway or pole. As you gain strength, you can move closer to the wall, pole or doorway.


Hamstring Strengthener
Hamstring Strengthener Sit on a chair or stool with wheels. Bend both legs. Take the injured leg and straighten it out in front of you with heel staying on the ground. Slowly bend the knee of the injured leg so the chair starts to move forward. Then repeat the movement. Try to move the chair from one side of the room to the other.
Hamstring Strengthener
1. Sit on a chair or stool with wheels.
2. Bend both legs.
3. Take the injured leg and straighten it out in front of you with heel staying on the ground.
4. Slowly bend the knee of the injured leg so the chair starts to move forward.
5. Then repeat the movement. Try to move the chair from one side of the room to the other.
Don’t treat your pain with over-the-counter anti-inflammatories, which can interfere with tendon remodeling. A more effective approach to repair the tendon is to perform deep tissue massage directly to the muscle-tendon. 
If the pain lasts for more than two weeks, or the pain becomes acute, make an appointment to visit a doctor.
A hamstring injury doesn’t have to mean a total break from exercise. Talk to your physical therapist to develop an exercise routine that will properly heal your injury.
Once you get back to your exercise routine, it is important to wear the right shoes for your routine. Try doing some low-impact cross training workouts (Spinning, swimming) to keep your fitness up while your body heals.
To learn more about how physical therapy to recovery from a hamstring injury, set up a free exploratory examination with one of our doctors today.
Moriarty Physical Therapy is the premier physical therapist provider here in the Hudson Valley with centers located near you. To find out more about physical therapy or to book your first appointment with a physical therapist, visit our website at or contact Moriarty Physical Therapy at (845) 454-4137.

Schedule a FREE 15-minute Exploration Visit

Come visit one of our physical therapy clinics in New York or North Carolina and one of our Doctors of Physical Therapy will do a 15-minute consultation to see if physical therapy is right for you. In the consultation, we’ll help determine the source of pain and movement restrictions to see if you would benefit from physical therapy or might need the assistance of another healthcare professional. If so, we’ll make a referral and help speed up achieving your health goal.

You have nothing to lose; the screening is free! And if physical therapy could help you, we can perform the examination right then–even without a prescription–with Direct Access (covered by insurance).

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