Simple Stretches to Relieve Lower Back and Hip Pain
Suffering from lower back or hip pain? You are not alone. Over 26 million Americans, between the ages of 20 and 64, experience back pain (National Center for Health Statistics Health, United States, 2006).

Here are some simple stretches to relieve lower back and hip pain:
Pelvic Hip Circles
Standing tall, roll your hips around in a circle (e.g. like a hula dancer), being sure to fully tuck your tailbone and fully arch your lower back.
Maintaining good posture, press your hips forward and begin to roll them around in a circle, passing through a shallow squat in the rear position.
Leg Swings
(Front) Perform slow and controlled swings with knee locked and toes pulled back, and then perform dynamic swings with leg loose and relaxed.
(Laterally) Perform slow and controlled swings to your sides, being sure to cross your centerline, and then perform dynamic swings to the side.
Hip Internal / External Rotation
Rotate at the hips as far externally and then internally as you can.
Talk to your physical therapist before you start an exercise program. If you experience discomfort or excessive pain do not continue any exercise program, as this may prove to only aggravate the symptoms.
The most effective exercise programs for chronic low back pain are designed specifically for you by a physical therapist.