Physical Therapy can Improve your Heart’s Future!
Physical Therapy can’t change your past, but it can improve your heart’s future!
Limitations such as difficulty walking up stairs, completing household tasks or grocery shopping due to poor endurance or fatigue can be treated through physical therapy.
Regular exercise is essential for healthy heart function especially for elders who want to prevent or have experienced a heart attack, heart valve surgery, bypass surgery, diagnosis of heart failure or diagnosis of vascular disease. Physical Therapy helps people at all levels of physical conditioning to get moving and exercise without causing other health complications.
Maintaining a strong and healthy heart as we age is essential for a long and healthy life.
Patients who suffer from functional limitations associated with heart disease and heart failure should consider physical therapy to promote heart health.
Unhealthy heart limitations include:
Physical problems
Difficulty performing an exercise program due to cardiac symptoms
Balance problems
Fear of exercise due to heart condition
According to the Heart Association, these limitations can be reduced by just doing 30 minutes of physical activity for three to four days a week. Beginning an exercise program after a long period of inactivity or after a severe cardiac injury may be intimidating. However, fear should not keep you from maintaining a fit heart. Your physical therapist will work with you to establish a fitness plan that will get your heart pumping while ensuring your safety within your activity tolerance.
Physical therapy programs that promote heart health consist of a variety of exercise routines. These routines may range from light lifting to cardio and aerobic exercises. Although exercise programs will vary from patient to patient, the benefits of physical therapy do not change. These benefits include:
Strengthened heart and cardiovascular system
Improved heart failure symptoms
Reduced blood pressure
Decreased risk factors related to cardiac injury
Improved circulation to help your body use oxygen better
Better mobility
Physical Therapy will certainly improve your heart’s health but other factors must also be considered.
Healthy meal choices
smoke-free lifestyle
Avoid high sugar diets and bad-for-you fat