Direct Pay Services at Moriarty PT
Fee-for-service programs are customized for individuals of all functional levels.
Moriarty PT is now offering Direct Pay for patients looking for tailored 1-on-1 programs outside of our standard physical therapy services. Fee-for-service programs allow for a sophisticated level of customization to improve function and mobility for individuals of all functional levels.
Direct Pay does not require a prescription from a physician. Payments are due at the time services are rendered and your insurance company will not be billed.
Skilled evaluation to examine limitations in mobility, strength, and function. It includes hands-on manual therapies and advanced techniques to improve symptoms immediately. The evaluation will also include appropriate exercises to perform independently to improve and maintain both function and mobility.
A skilled session is a progression of services following a select PT evaluation or previous select follow-up session. It includes manual therapies, advanced mobilization techniques, and patient education with emphasis on mobility, strength, stability, and spinal alignment. Home exercise progression is included.
A skilled Dry Needling session is used to address movement limitations, muscle spasms, and pain.
*Only available in North Carolina.
**Dry Needling only session requires an initial examination
$75 Dry Needling only
$25 Dry Needling accompanied with PT treatment