Physical therapy may prove to be a powerful drug free antidepressant.
There is an established relationship between physical activity and depression.
Depression can manifest itself in different ways, ranging from how we a feel, act and think. Depression can cause changes in sleep patterns, energy levels, motivation, concentration, and feelings of self worth (NIMH, 2012). Mood disorders can lead to substance abuse, smoking, and other destructive behavior.
Physical therapy can be as beneficial in treating depression as antidepressants. Anyone who is suffering from a major depressive disorder should be monitored by a psychologist and or a psychiatrist.
Antidepressants are widely used to treat depression. Like any drug, there can be unwanted side effects. Nausea, headaches, sleeping problems, agitation, or sexual difficulty can result.
Children, teens, and young adults are at a higher risk of harmful side effects from medications. Given the risks, alternative treatments including physical therapy should be explored.
Many people become melancholy and may not realize they are depressed. Like any other illness it’s best to consult a doctor to assess your condition. Depressive symptoms have been treated with physical therapy.
Not everyone responds to physical therapy the same way. It is important to understand that physical therapy alone may not be the best treatment. Working closely with a doctor who treats mental illness is advised.
There are countless factors to consider in treating a mood disorder. It is important to take into consideration an individual’s:
Severity of depression
Type, frequency, and level of physical activity
Method of intervention